Wednesday, April 29, 2009

It's been an interesting year...

I just realized it's been almost a year since I posted anything here.  In that time I've (finally) graduated from college, become COO of a small business, challenged everything I've known and believed about love and relationships, moved to Austin, and said goodbye to my grandfather.

I've theorized in the past that I only feel the urge to write when I'm upset or stressed about things, and yet through most of this last year I wrote almost nothing here.  I believe that's because I've found someone who I can talk to about these things in order to work through them, where in the past I had to write about them to get them out of my head.

I also discovered Live Journal and Facebook during the last year, so I now have multiple outlets and I'm not certain where to put what anymore.  The one thing I do know is that I need to start blogging regularly again, because there is a different kind of sorting out that goes on when I try to express something in writing.

So, my goal is at least one post a week here, and another weekly post on my vegan blog.  Facebook and Twitter will be my day-to-day update places, and LJ will likely be more for informational sort of posts - links to articles, random thoughts and observations...  basically stuff too long for Twitter, but not really blog-worthy either.

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